Applying for help
Access to the services of Maison L’Esther are a phone call away.
Day or night, call 450-963-6161 to talk to a worker.
Do you need to confide in someone?  Just call.
The workers at Maison L’Esther are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They'll answer your questions and provide the support you need to face the situation you're in.  Also, if anyone such as a worker or a friend needs information to help them support someone they know who's a victim of domestic violence, they can call us too.
Do you need safe accommodation? Just call.
The first thing to do if you need accommodation is to call.  During this initial contact, you can tell us what you've experienced in your relationship and why you're asking for help. We're here to listen to your needs. Also we'll answer any questions about staying in a shelter. At the end of the conversation or when you feel ready to come to Maison L’Esther, we'll tell you how to get here.
Do you need external follow-up? Just call.
External follow-up is offered to women, mothers and children, whether or not they've stayed at Maison L’Esther. If you think you need to meet an external worker to begin or continue planning your future where domestic violence is concerned, just call us.

© Maison l’Esther 2015, All rights reserved